(watch the movie before you read this)

great fucking movie about pyramid scam artists feeding off of people's dreams. The main character is a good man with a crafty girl friend who thinks that he's joining a small record company and is sent around the country auditioning singers and musicians with a small catch,.. The artists are asked to make a contribution to show good faith in their ability to make it as an artist with the help of their record company.

very few people they audition have much of any real talent but that's not the so called 'record companies' initiative. They just want to get people to hand over their money. It's a disgusting act that's happening all around the country. people scamming other people into scamming other people. this is just an example of capitalism at it's worst. feeding off of peoples ambitions and dreams. giving them hope while taking their money.

My favorite character in the film is "Clarence". He's very black and very cunning and has some of the funniest lines I've heard in a long time. I was laughing out loud till my stomach hurt at some of the pitches he was using to bate these suckers in.

All in all it's a really good film about people with heart being forced into positions that compromises their integrity. and about people out there just trying to make it. About the facts of life living in America. It makes some really good jabs at just how gullible and painfully naive most wannabe musicians are and how in many ways ambition can blind a person from reality and how easily people can be fooled into giving their money away. giving people hope and faith for just a few dollars extra.

great balls of sound

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