Supporting Obama means you support the military industrial complex.

100,000 more troops Obama? for what?

Nuclear power is green Obama? um no...Nuclear waste is not environmentally friendly.

Law firms are trustworthy? obviously not...

why is America supporting Obama besides the fact that he's not Hillary...God damn it I wish this country had some balls. <- this is where the revolutionary thoughts are being discussed. I live in California and we're going hydrogen without the rest of you bastards. You guys are gonna be stuck paying 7 dollars a gallon meanwhile we're gonna be riding in super trains in california. have fun with your great depression America. California's the only state in the union thats prepared at all for the peak oil crash thats looming around the corner...


Supporting Nuclear Power is the same as supporting Nuclear Warfare.

general Electric is in business to make a Profit. It cost money to bury it. But they can make money making weapons out of it. now which do you think they're doing?

we've been dumping nuclear waste on Iraq for 5 years. Wheres brave new films on that lil nugget of truth? nowhere to be found cuz its linked to Obama.

supporting Obama is the same as supporting Nuclear warfare!!!

lalalalala oBomba

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