i didn't hear Slim when he asked me why I hate cars... I hate cars cuz they're stupid

I've been in 6 car accidents NONE of which were in any way my fault which is where most of my health problems came from. Ive been riding trains all my life and never once have I been in a train accident.

Eisenhower sold this country out to Ford, Gm and the Oil industry after WW2 and trapped us all in the suburbs without any mode of transportation unless you own a car. and with daily advertising brainwashing the public into thinking that your car is a symbol of your socio-status. When really it's just a symbol of our dependence on Oil. which is what's causing the war.

Cars = war
trains = independence.

Not to mention the fact that riding a train is a MILLION times more fun then being stuck in a car in gridlock surrounded by people suffering from "Road Rage". On the train you can read , watch a movie, HAVE A DRINK, meet interesting people, or take a nap. Only way you can take a nap in a car is if you're a passenger. which if you look around next time your on the highway is few and far between. Look around next time you're on the highway and count how many cars are transporting more then one person. The reason why we drive cars is the same reason we buy into all the other shit our government sells us. Cuz they plead to our selfish intelect. they play us for fools and for the last 50 years thats exactly what we've been. Total narcissistic fools

like I said. I hate cars cuz they're stupid.

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