this is the post that pissed me off

crooks and liars

Mike Gravel called the Iraq war and EVERYONE who supports it immoral during the debate 7 months ago. didnt see you put a post up about that? whats the difference? oh yea wait. he said that about Clinton and you're a partisan hack website thats shilling for a democratic war mongerer and thats better right?

cliff Schector put my Gravel vote on his front page. he's a real patriot. not like you traitors that would support Stalin if thats who was the "Democrat"

oh yea. for anyone that actually cares about this country and doesnt just have a partisan agenda like this piece of crap website does.

Nader and Mike gravel are joining forces and running for the independent party.

The independent party. You know...the ones that aren't connected to corporate lobbying groups. the ones that arent getting millions and millions of dollars from corporations to buy favors in the whitehouse.

you know the ones that actually stand up for what they believe in. Not just some hag that wants to put us all on food stamps and take our homes. Or some guy that wants to stay in Iraq for a hundred years.

Clinton could not even promise to have the war over with by 2013. and you support her on this?

You must be cowards. thats all that can explain why you would claim to be against the war but yet support a candidate directly involved in the war.

Why Is Hillary on the senate arms committee? If shes a health care queen. Why is she involved in the military budget?

cowards. and its really a shame because you guys could be sensible and respect the one guy that ended the draft, gave us food safety and car safety, stopped GE from spreading nuclear power plants all over this country, ENDED THE VIETNAM WAR. I mean my god this is what its come to. Support a "Democrat" thats PERPETUATING A WAR. or support an INDEPENDENT that has ALREADY ENDED ONE WAR AND KNOWS HOW TO END THIS ONE.

I mean what the Fck is going on in your minds? some how having a person that claims to be more liberal but really is a moderate conservative just because it says "democrat" next to her name?

no but instead you lick Hillary's boot and worship a false icon. You really should be ashamed of yourselves.