and hardly anyone said a word :p

over at Devas coffee house.

the panduhs - great . sorta flowey acoustic shoegazish type stuff

me - crowd was exceptionally warm towards me :-?

Uni sang "take a train" with me.

then she blew everyone away as she always does with her set..

then she had cherub (hope thats right) to play and shes this lil bitty thing and out comes this Huge voice. It was really surprising and fun to watch :)

then some other bands that were booked else where asked if they could play.
and Claude and Uni were kind enough to say "of course"

they were called "sidecars and cupcakes" and they live up to their name. they're like a novelty band I guess you could say. Like candy rock made for kids but suitable for adults.

pretty girls, good coffee, nice people, good music. What more can you ask out of life?