(this is an open letter i just sent to someone who gave the brainwashed mantra that Nader got Bush elected.. I apologize for the idiot remark but I'm sick of having to REMIND people that BUSH NEVER WON. THEY STOPPED COUNTING THE VOTES AND GORE AS PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE DID NOT STAND UP FOR HIMSELF NOR HIS SUPPORTERS AND LET THE SUPREME COURT DECIDE WHO SHOULD BE PRESIDENT)

how the fuck have people forgotten that?

I guess years and years of people saying "It was Naders fault" on CNN and every other news corp has paid off for them.

Either its a democracy or its a dictatorship. and if you're too much of a fat dumb ignorant asshole to understand what the difference is then fuck you.

"gore won the election. did you forget that? they stopped counting and the supreme court appointed bush. if theyd kept counting al gore'd been the president. He won the popular vote. he lost his home state tennssee. he lost his boss' state arkansas. and the fact is that if you look at how the process went along. AL Gore was being too phony and thats why people supported Nader so then Gore had to start pledging more for environmentalists and liberals in general.

you know all these things. youve been brainwashed into thinking Nader shouldnt run. That no one should ever run against the corporatists. That we should just be thankful for the dictators we're given and never consider anything else. that we shouldnt actually live in a democracy.

have you been woken from that spell wolf blitzer put you under yet?"