(more bickering back and forth trying to explain to this guy that voting for Hillary is the same as voting for McCain.)

Hillary and McCain are EXACTLY the same.

Hillary is on the senate arms committee.

what does that mean to you? She is a direct link in our government between the military and the budget.

He's been brainwashed as countless other partisan liberals have been that Nader and Nader alone got Bush elected. which is total nonsense.

Bush was never elected. He was APPOINTED!

but lets blame the guy that gave us car safety, food safety, and has fought corporate crime his entire life. Yea lets say its all his fault. then he'll never be able to threaten the establishment again and the corporatists can just do as they please till the end of time.

or lets think that voting in a democrat is in ANY WAY going to resolve the problems we face as a society. Let's just over look the fact that for the last 2 years (the bloodiest years of the war in Iraq) The DEMOCRAT congress that WE elected with a very distinct and completely clear mandate to end the war has instead of ending the war given Bush even MORE FUCKING MONEY!

yea let's just over look that cuz ya know. Well it's not their fault they're so ineffective when battling the republicans in congress. Oh its not their fault that they're actually complying with every demand the appointed president has made. Lets over look the fact that it was A DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS THAT LAUNCHED THE FUCKING WAR IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE!


Hillary's the queen of the military industrial complex.

and you saying "thats just the way it is" is cowardice.



Stand up for what you believe in. otherwise you're just throwing your vote away.

I mean if we can only vote on who THEY tell us to vote for isn't that the definition of a dictatorship? I mean why even vote at all if they're just going to put whoever they want in power? WHy even care about ANything? I mean if you dont care enough about your country and the planet to fight for real change then why care about anything else?

here's how I explained the difference between democrats and republicans to a friend last night at the show.

"a republican will shoot you in the head. a democrat will shoot you in the stomach"