life is a show. the world is but a stage. lights camera action. let the world see everything. let the music play. show it off. let them laugh or cry and cheer. to be mocked or admired. to be everything at once. to put one foot in front of the other. to write one simple line at a time. explaining the mysteries of the universe. solving the worlds puzzles. rolling the dice. taking a chance on life. let the babies be born. and let the old man die. kill them all and give them life. everyone's got their role to play. typecast soul manure. a blast from the past. a peek into the future. an all knowing all loving god. we're all free. free to tell each other what to do. free to get on each others nerves until the last straw. to stand in each others way and to wait too long or show up too late. its all there. for everyone to see. for everyoe to know and judge accordingly. does it matter? only if it matters to you. is it anything. its everything to somebody but nothing to most. its all you ca afford. and its all within your reach. you just have to be willing to take that first step. to close your eyes and plunge yourself into the darkness. into the unknown. into anything you're not prepared for. cuz that's when you learn the skills that will get you far in life. take you anywhere you want to go. or teach you how to fall with grace. either way we all have a mission. a goal. a tactic. an agenda. a reason for being here. even if our reason is just trying to figure out what our reason IS. but who cares. there's no way of really knowing for sure. guess we'll all find out when we're finally sat down and lectured by god about the reason why we're all here to do what we're doing even though we're doing it without his advice anyways. so whats the point in even having a god if he put us here for a reason then whatever we do must be reasonable. there's truth in every action. even when someone lies they're telling the truth. its just been camouflaged. but it's still there underneath. its there in all of us. waiting to be recognized. waiting for its shot at the big time. ready for their close up. ready for the ball to drop so we can all cheer to new beginning and happy endings.