Chris Crocker is the perfect example of what is wrong with our society. he posts extremely boring videos where he just goes on and on about how gay he is and how everyone should love him for it and he gets 100,000s of views. Meanwhile we're going broke as a nation because a couple corporations have looted all of our treasure through a War where we're Murdering hundreds of thousands of Innocent People!

and this guy. sxephil Who interviewed Mike Gravel and gave him such provocative questions such as do you like cake or pie?

we need to start fighting for the right to vote. Everyone who's a celebrity on youtube should be using their celebrity to bring about the freedom of Americans. instead of just using it to Complain and Complain about it all and never do anything about it!

wtf is wrong with you people?

all we have to do is organize and demand the right to vote on national referendums and then youtube and the internet as a whole actually becomes a vice for change. Instead of just a funnel of confusion.

fuck YOUtube

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