Don't even vote if you're planning on voting for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or Madman McCain. Cuz it's just a waste of time. would you vote for them right now? No cuz they want to build it all up to make it seem like a big deal. Like we are rallying together as a nation for some great cause. When really all we're doing is writing in the name of some personality we found out about through the tv. So they can play king and Queen for a few years and we can all listen to them speak like it means something. It's all a show. It's all for nothing. It's a commercial. It's a moment in time presented in a glorious fashion.

It's bullshit basically is what I'm getting at. and you might as well spend your tuesday afternoon come november doing what you'd rather be doing because voting for these people is nothing but taking part in a fanciful scam on the average American. the game show American Idol is more democratic then our "election" process. unless of course you're voting for Mike Gravel. Because that's actually a monumental statement that will count as a measure of rebellion. Anarchy against oppression. Organized and Non-violent.

understand that we have to have the right to make laws as citizens at the federal level before we can ever get Anything to change. If we don't get a hold of it soon it's going to chew us up and spit us out. Anyone with any sense understands that one man can't change congress or corporate America all by themselves. But Congress is the one leading the war so if we don't start voting on referendums then they're just going to keep doing it!

until we achieve the right to draft legislation as citizens YOU'RE NOT ACTUALLY VOTING! You're just endorsing someone ELSE to Vote FOR You!

until we have national referendums no vote of ours will ever count.


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