of course republicans are voting for Hillary.

shes on the senate arms committee

shes in the CFR

shes AIPAC approved

there's only 9 or 10 solid democrats that I've counted in all of our federal government.

the Clintons sold out the Democratic party to wall street and so now you've got the same problems that occurred in business with "Free Trade"
and "Outsourcing" happening in our political realm.

democrats either "play ball" (meaning find some companies on wall street to cut some insder trade deals) or go home. But they have the PR of being the party to "fight for the working class" but within the last 20 years have totally scammed the public.

and the reason why nothing ever gets done in Washington is because THEY DONT WANT TO RESOLVE ANY ISSUES because then what would they have to do? They're job would be done!

end the war? hell they can play that war for 20 years! the public doesn't give a crap.

rewrite the tax code? yea right and cut their expendatures and loop holes within the code that they've worked on for years to get their buddies a back alley deal.

fix gas prices? and make their buddies that started and perpetuate the war start owning up to their responsibilities? Yea right! the X in "Exxon" is a free mason symbol. the free masons have exchanged vows for 200 years while we've sat on the sidelines fighting for change tooth and nail!

provide health care to everyone? then what crap issue would Hillary stand on to get everyone to follow her lead? Without health care shes just a war mongerer. And Health Care isn't rocket science. There's countries where they're still living in the 19th century that provide health care. WE PROVIDED HEALTH CARE before the IRS came to being. Truman tried to make it an issue 70 years ago but to no avail. So what the hell? the money's there. just stop making bombs and we can afford all these things without adding to the cost or deducting the quality. but they make you think that it IS Rocket science. ahhhh They Live!!!

all this just so we can have the right to bicker about it.

George Bush has used the word "Freedom" most likely a 100,000 times in his speeches but when it comes down to reality speaking for itself, we're really not free at all.


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