I get a lot of flack for being so called Bitter. You know what? All my heroes were bitter. Hubert Selby, Bukowski, Edgar Poe. It's those fuckers that think everything is hunky dory that have mental issues. To look at the world as it is today and just shrug your shoulders is extremely irresponsible. To think of all these issues as abstract and inconsequential is absurd. Now I don't expect everyone to run and get their guns but the American public and how it's acting when it comes to being active is shameful in my eyes. People want to complain about how I spam the most viewed youtube videos with statements like "we're about to go to war with Iran and THIS is what you're watching" and people that use the tired excuse "what can I do about it" make me sick. You can do a lot more then just sit on your ass watching clips of SNL or elephants burping.

You can get informed. You can write emails. YOU CAN VOTE. the most disturbing fact about Americans is how low we are in voter turn out. Don't you know people Gave their LIVES just so you could vote? Don't you know the reason why we vote on tuesday is because people used to ride an entire day in their horse and buggies just to vote? Don't you know blacks couldn't even vote until the 60's??? until Martin Luther King sacrificed EVERYTHING including his LIFE just to be able to VOTE!
