you can study political science till the end of time and that's great. everyone should understand the purpose of government. and how it operates and which systems work best and for what reasons.

but here in America...

You can be the most informed actively charged and ready to speak out against it all and hurl bricks at NWO troops and give your life to stop them but if you don't know what you're fighting for, or if what your fighting for isn't going to solve the crisis then what's the point.

see... Just because you understand the game. Doesn't mean you get to play.

Because what most Americans (including myself until just this past year and a half) don't understand is that we don't live in a democracy. We live in a democratically elected republic. Which means "THEY" hold the dice. and While you may know the absolute best plot to WIN you you will never get a chance to roll the dice yourself. Because you give the dice to "THEM". You give it to congressman, and senators, and presidents. And then you're forced to sit back and watch them play with OUR money...

we're trapped in a sort of mental bondage. We watch these elitists sing us their songs of glory and we give into their charming mannerisms and we lay down our guard and for a moment HOPE against COMMON SENSE that the person that we chose out of "THEIR" pick of the litter will do SOME good.

meanwhile AMericas most brilliant economists, scientists, philosophers, and theorists are left outside trying to get enough people educated out on the streets so that they may be able to Defend themselves against what ever tyrannical contraption they get us caught in next.

only the problem now is there isn't gonna be a "next time". see. I've looked. and It's obvious to anyone who looks that we're melting the planet. and people say "yea but what are you gonna do?"

well I guess this is the end of life on earth then. because you were too fucking lazy to get off your ass and do something to achieve the right to VOTE to save LIFE on Earth!!!
