great fucking movie. great photography, great script, great acting, great costumes, great twists and turns. an all around fully entertaining film.

its the story of troubled young woman who has a knack for always fucking things up. from the very beginning this is made clear. She runs to her friend for help and her friend turns out to be a dominatrix. Her friend takes her in with strict conditions and she finds work where most people who need a job right away do - Retail. but certain conditions arise due to her personal inefficiency and she needs money. So she steals her friends identity along with one of her friends clients and tries on the role of a dominatrix. And thus a problematic clusterfuck begins. I'll stop there cuz I really want people to watch and enjoy this film as much as I did.

I used to have a good friend back in KC that was a dominatrix which I couldn't help but feel nostalgic about especially in the scenes that involve dominatrix paraphernalia. I wonder how she's doing...

Walk All Over Me