pandering pandering pandering

he's against NAFTA but yet he constantly talks about how we should have free trade with our allies.

N.A.F.T.A. - north american "FREE TRADE" agreement. or does ron only want to exploit nations that aren't connected to us geographically?

thats a bold face contradiction

Amnesty? all that means is getting their NAMES which is what has to happen for us to be able to get a hold on the immigration problem. Unless of course Ron is advocating rounding people up and putting them in those concentration camps that Alex Jones is always frothing at the mouth about...

its the FREE MARKET that's CAUSING the immigration problem you fucking moRons.

"the great part about all this is the answer is in the constitution"

which part Ron? The part where it says "PROMOTE THE COMMON WELFARE"?

or were the men that wrote the constitution welfarian socialist commies?

or the part in the constitution that says that any treaties we sign on to as a nation are here by constitutional and to be viewed with the same respect as we view our national constitution. But wait you said you want out of the UN?

"in time protect all the rights of individuals" - except women and immigrants

go back to gold to end the federal reserve? if ANYONE took 5 seconds to actually research this proposal they'd realize that it's totally made up. The federal reserve is a PRIVATE company (privatization anyone?) and they are subject to Constant investigation to which Ron is a part of. So for him to say he wants to do away with the federal reserve, all that is is the old standard "cut taxes" republican mantra that this country has listened to for almost a hundred years.

"on the verge of changing the country" changing the country back to a Christian fundamentalist, racist,Sexist, oppressive nation where women don't have the right to decide what's in their in own interest when becoming pregnant, where gays have a right to hide their sex life from the public or be faced with criminal prosecution, where blacks can't find work because the government doesn't interfere with unfair hiring practices, where latin Americans don't have a right to come to America to work to earn money for their families, where we exploit the rest of the worlds goods and services for our own selfish benefit, where the environment is completely destroyed because enterprises that pollute and destroy the planet aren't regulated?

Oh what a wonderful world it would be.

Double speaking liar pandering to this racist right wing fanatical crowd that's eating this shit up like it was pancakes.

UPDATE: as always I got hate mail and fan mail. the phrase Ron Paul seems to be a lighting rod for controversy. Anyways I found this article to be by far the most disturbing piece of evidence of Ron Paul's racist connections and supporters.

Ron Paulogists are IDIOTS!