every ending is a new beginning. it's up to us to make the national initiative a reality.
nations that are bonded by the European Union have federal initiatives to prevent the EU from power grabs. We as citizens of the united STATES have a right to prevent their federally bonded Union from power grabs just as France did to stop britain from putting in the EU's new constitution "we are a christian nation"..
people that don't want the right to vote on federal laws have no right to complain about what the federal government does because they refuse to take responsibility for their own country and obtain OUR right to SELF GOVERNANCE.
us having the right to vote is the ONLY solution. Otherwise you're stuck with a dictatorship.
reason why they rejected Gravel is because they think that majority rule is "big government" its a massive misunderstanding. Majority Rule means LESS AUTHORITY. meaning SMALLER GOVERNMENT. There's just too many idiots that consider the libertarian party nothing but a radical wing of the republican party. Mike snook out the concept of self governance into every nook and cranny of our society. its up to us to carry the torch.
Mike made history