you can't take on the federal system only as an anarchist. breaking out of the system is a quick solution and it's extremely beneficial to become secure in your surroundings but it doesn't really solve the social disease that's invading your town and surrounding social circles.

Anarchists believe in freedom from authority. under referendum law the only laws followed are the commonalities of the people that reside in each named jurisdiction.

Anarchists are cool and independent and don't take shit...

Socialists are whiney losers that want everyone to work together booo Lame...

not really but you get what I mean.

I've been an anarchist all my life but as I've matured I've realized that the socialist movement was is and will always be the most sophisticated and there for the most capable philosophy to combat fascism. So whether it's cool or not I don't really care. I call myself a socialist with exactly the same amount of pride as a capitalist or an anarchist or a communist because I see man working together in common interests as the most inspiring and blessing guide for any group to undertake when defending themselves from those that serve against their interests.

I'll be expanding on this during my next show.

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