the federal reserve has no power. They are completely transparent and subject to constant investigation. They are not allowed to do ANYTHING in secrecy. The problem is not the federal reserve. the problem is Bush bailing out the banks every time they make unwise investments such as the housing bubble. That is 100% Bill Clinton's fault when he repealed the Glass / Steagall act which stopped the banks from being allowed to use OUR money in THEIR investments.

those are the facts.

I was recently asked to take it easy on Paul supporters because Mike has joined the Libertarian party but what comes to mind when people say that is when Mike said
"you go get them by the scruff of the neck" when explaining how to get republicans to give in and offer up the democrats the right to cut funding (which truth be told the democrats don't even want to cut off funding. What the Democrats are doing is using the Republicans stonewall as an excuse as to why they're not cutting the funding already. Why? Because the same corporations that own the republicans own the Democrats ever since Bill Clinton, and those corporations are who are running this war.)


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