If you guys really want to stop the war its gonna take a lot more then just reading about it. first we have to get the groups that protest to start protesting for the right to vote. then we get lobby groups started on the hill. then we get the public to start acknowledging what we're doing. then after 10 20 years it passes with a president thats willing to take the credit that Mike Initiated.

Its called Human Progress. America is sadly falling behind when it comes to governance and the more we fall the uglier its gonna get because America has a lot of Pride. So you can be damn sure that America is gonna go down Swinging. Like the Rodney King Riots. Tearing anyone we can reaches head off out of frustration and angst

Mike Gravel is the only one running that wants to end this shit. at any point if you want to start donating to his campaign and get a fire storm going its entirely possible. He's totally making the other Libertarian candidates look like greesy car salesman. its kinda fun to watch if you can stomach arrogant grassroots politics. Mike needs support from the blogs. Everyone's against the war but no ones talking about the only guy that's Running that's Promised to End the War!?? Makes no Fucking sense!??

heres how we can end the war and every other war the military industrial complex / oil lobby/ nuclear lobby/ wants to start in our name.


One of peoples fears of America being free to govern itself is that the idiots will overwhelm the informed community and we'll be trapped living under a stupid persons rule because there's far more stupid idiots in America then there are informed individuals. And they aren't up to protesting or knocking on doors or doing much of Anything beyond maybe leaving a comment on youtube about their opinion.


we're battling right now are we not? people seem to be enjoying it. except as of now it's all for nothing because no one that believes in our set of values will Ever get elected in significant numbers or in significant positions. the only way you'll ever live in the country you want to live in is by voting and lobbying for it. If you're too lazy to fight for it and you just want it handed to you on a sliver platter by some ron paul type figure then you get the government that you deserve.

National Initiatives for National Citizens


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