Germany brought Germany out of the great depression. not Hitler. Hitler just jumped on the band wagon and got in the front of the best reform party and threw the corporatist party out of the way and gave people jobs.

He gave them jobs making bombs.
just like we do still today. Truman Eisenhower JFK Johnston Nixon Carter Reagan Bush Clinton Bush...

They've all been war presidents. and the next president will be a war president. So keep your mimsy Hitler statements to yourself. We've killed 3,000,000 Vietnamese , 1,000,000 Iraqis, Koreans, Germans, Russians, the Japanese, instigated the 8 year war between Iraq and Iran which lead to the death of 8,000,000 people, christ man?!
Hitler aint shit.

We've been policing/exploiting the world ever since and giving all the third world nations credit cards so we can feed off of their poverty economically (like Mexico). While we're taught as children that we "give more aid to the world then any other nation" truthfully we're giving out high interest loans to blackmail countries into being our pawns on the world stage.

we have 14 trident submarines. One of them has enough weaponry to annihilate an entire country Worse then what we did to Nagasaki. and we have 14 of them.

So we are essentially holding the world hostage by having them in the First place! The only point of having "the button" or a dooms day device is to have a stick to threaten the world with. We're still chimpanzees. We're still cockroaches. We're still coyotes. Every man for himself. Chew or be Chewed.

pshhh "hitler"...

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