Helen Thomas is a patriotic American. We're all lucky to have her in the front row.

All anyone is saying in the comments on youtube is Look at Dana's Blazer. This is probably the same conversation people had in roman times or in the dark ages when the town crier would come out to give the kings announcements to the village.

its camouflage What Dana is wearing is Camouflage. It's a distraction. just like Dana's entire existence in our political realm. Dana is hired to Lie for Bush. Thats all she has to do. Get behind the podium and tell the lies for an hour. It's like a flogging of some sort. Its kind of pathetic in a way. Helen Thomas and Mike Gravel are leading the fucking revolution against the war in their 70's. While all the young sprouts are going to work and watching sports on TV.

Oh and POLITICO used my video without crediting me. Which is very like them. People should just storm their website. PUt up a front that you're on their side and then once you're allowed to leave comments then start leaving questionable remarks. then slowly start convincing people to think your way.

people say "yea how come you dont do that Old hack?"

cuz I aint got fucking time and I'm too pissed off. Bought sold and consumed products waiting in line like zombies moaning for their dorritos and chocolate frosted rice crispy corn syrup snack. and their extra giant big gulp. 62 ounce "soft" drink. This country is finished if it doesn't stop driving cars, start planting trees, and demanding net neutrality.

torture talk

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