People should really examine the Letterman Bush interview in 2000. Its very reveling. Dave totally exposed the Bush agenda and that they were prepared for war long before the election ever took place.

#18 - Most Viewed (Today) - Musicians

an hour or so after posting the view count was frozen at 251. so I left a comment asking people to Rate and comment and within 3 hours it jumped to 1,020

(after 5 hours of airing)
Views: 1,020
Comments: 19
Ratings: 37
Favorited: 17 times

Honors for this video (2)

#63 - Top Favorites (Today) - News & Politics
#63 - Top Rated (Today) - News & Politics

now it's frozen at 1,020 yet it's risen on the "top rated"s from 89 to 67 then to 63 while being frozen at 1,020. Yet other peoples videos don't freeze up.

(hour later)
#60 - Top Favorites (Today) - News & Politics
#59 - Top Rated (Today) - News & Politics

yet it's still at 1,020 view counts....

Views: 1,020
Comments: 21
Ratings: 52
Favorited: 21 times

Honors for this video (2)
#59 - Top Favorites (Today) - News & Politics
#49 - Top Rated (Today) - News & Politics

yet it's still at 1,020 view counts....

Views: 1,020
Comments: 24
Ratings: 54
Favorited: 23 times

Honors for this video (2)
#54 - Top Favorites (Today) - News & Politics
#47 - Top Rated (Today) - News & Politics

yet the view count hasn't changed.

(day 2)

woo hoo 3000 views over night!

Views: 4,025
Comments: 33
Ratings: 71
Favorited: 28 times

Honors for this video (3)
#98 - Most Discussed (Today) - News & Politics
#41 - Top Favorites (Today) - News & Politics
#42 - Top Rated (Today) - News & Politics

Views: 4,025
Comments: 39
Ratings: 75
Favorited: 29 times

Honors for this video (3)
view counts frozen at 4,025 now
Views: 4,025
Comments: 41
Ratings: 81
Favorited: 30 times

still frozen at 4,025 with ratings, comments, and favorites going up...

Views: 4,025
Comments: 41
Ratings: 83
Favorited: 31 times

Honors for this video (3)
still frozen at 4,025...

Views: 4,025
Comments: 42
Ratings: 85
Favorited: 32 times

still frozen at 4,025...
Whoa... it just Jumped within a simple reload to 5,372

Views: 5,372
Comments: 43
Ratings: 87
Favorited: 33 times

Views: 5,372
Comments: 51
Ratings: 94
Favorited: 35 times

frozen at 5,372

Views: 5,372
Comments: 54
Ratings: 101
Favorited: 37 times

still frozen at 5,372

finally flipped over to 6,654

Views: 6,654
Comments: 67
Ratings: 112
Favorited: 42 times

Honors for this video (5)
(day 3)
Views: 7,477
Comments: 73
Ratings: 120
Favorited: 45 times

Honors for this video (3)
Views: 7,477
Comments: 78
Ratings: 125
Favorited: 46 times

Honors for this video (3)

Views: 7,746
Comments: 83
Ratings: 130
Favorited: 47 times

Views: 8,021
Comments: 91
Ratings: 134
Favorited: 48 times

Views: 8,239
Comments: 92
Ratings: 134
Favorited: 48 times

Views: 8,315
Comments: 93
Ratings: 134
Favorited: 48 times


myspace is capitalizing on my blog!


All these links to Myspace??

they finally allowed my blog to be in the stats but then forced an erroneous number on me saying that only 20 people watched the video from here when I was watching nearly a hundred people stream in right when I posted it.

I left a comment on the video on youtube about how I've gotten hundreds of views from my blog and immediately the stats changed and showed that all my views (which were short counted ...of course).. were all subjected to be misdirected to a BLANK MYSPACE PAGE

meaning MYSPACE is taking credit for MY PROCUDTION's VALUE! regardless of their participation. That is by definition unfair business practices and should be abolished.

don't post videos on myspace. end as much affiliation from myspace as you can because they're the fox "fair and balanced" of internet networking. Meaning they're fascist pricks. It will cost you your independence just as it has with their TV networks and newspapers.

people think that I'm over reacting. well let me tell you why it is that youtube cant keep an accurate count of my views and why they Can keep an absolutely accurate count for videos that they promote. And how they don't have to personally seek out any one individual but that they can exploit our inability to interfere with their Interface ( as ironic as that is)
but they can simply force you out and bring in corporate sponsors by the truck load.

those thousands of servers that Youtube is lucky enough to be using because of our demand are not being equally distributed. Other peoples videos that are "promoted" get counted each and every time. While grass roots videos and people that aren't being sponsored by corporate entities videos get less incommensurable bandwidth and support thus less exposure. They're squeezing us out and implanting a mechanism of authority. They're not conspiring against me personally. They're devising the capability to control what gets seen by the public in order to secure their vested interest. Meaning they want to strangle the public with their 1.7 Billion dollar choke hold.

Kind of like that old Abominable Snowman cartoon from loonytunes days.

"hug em and squeeze em and name him George"

stupid tags: PWNS sheep Amazing 911 footage iraq Mike Gravel olbermann obama clinton mccain ron paul nader gonzales

Fuck Jay Leno

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