crooks and banned me so from now on I'm just gonna post my responses to their boring lame ass water carrying posts right here on my blog for everyone to see.

if anyone wants to cut and paste my comments into their comments I'd be fine with that.

anyways. at the top of their page is them crying for the whaaambulance cuz the press is just too nice to McCain and too mean to Hillary (they're trying to imply that there's a difference between them)

why is everything you post about got to do with the press? its all the presses' fault! The press just won't tell the truth about McCain huh. They tell the truth about what scum Barack and Hillary are! But when it comes to McCain he's a War Hero! General Napalm to the rescue! He'll wipe out them little charlies below his fighter plane that tax payers built for him to fly around in like G.I.Joe. He's Killed thousands of people so he knows what it's like! He knows how to murder thousands of people and get away with it So we should over look his disabilities.

John Amato is so lame it hurts to look at him.

tomato amato

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