its no secret. the top 5 are always playing musical chairs though.

this is from the first page of a google image search "top 5 fortune 500 2008"

here's the list you're looking for. I think Everyone is well aware of how much I hate walmart.

Exxon / Mobil and Chevron / Texaco are direct inheritors of the oil that we're seizing from Iraq.

Ford and GM make humvees and SUV's

General Electric spreads Nuclear Waste all over the world and uses the waste in Weapons manufacturing.

conoco / philips is just a puts on the hill as far as I can tell. wimpy oil company just puttering along thanks to the oligarchy of Americas transportation systems.

-citigroup- is one hundred percent a government money laundering corporation for the clintons and friends. Sort of a Whitewater type deal where they repealed the Glass / Steagall act and started using OUR fucking money in Their investments...fucking assholes.

IBM got their start selling calculators to Himler at the concentration camps hidden in the outskirts of Germany.

So there you go. America's great wealth of entrepreneurialism.

America the beautiful

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