Is this fucking American Idol? what a fucking joke. The media. the corporations. the lobbying district. you guys actually think a single moment of this is legitimate. Every word uttered is written and prepared for no other reason but to fool the public into buying into Obama, Clinton, McCain.

It's not real. Not a single note of this charade has anything to do with progress or facing the real pressing issues we face as a nation. It's truly disturbing to see that So many Americans are still buying into this fantasy. These people are not leaders. They are nothing But hired agents of the incorporated oligarchy that is our federal government.

listening to Hillary talk about American's needs while knowing how evil and crooked she really is it just makes my skin crawl. Knowing that good hearted people out there are looking for hope and hear her words and don't know what a leech her and her husband are on our economy is frustrating at the very least.

Knowing that people out there think that Obama is an alternative to Hillary when it's obvious to anyone who's been paying attention that Howard Dean is working for Hillary and has been from the start. These questions are idiotic.

Obama studders more then Nixon. He's nervous because he's lying.
Noone knows that he's lying and he knows that so he just lies and lies
morning, noon, and night.

constantly talking about people losing their homes is Not going to stop people from LOSING THEIR HOMES!

Hillary is a great politician though I'll grant her that. She is of such despicable character so for her to get Anyone to trust her is a major achievement. She is nothing but a hired liar. A puppet. A defense lawyer for an evil empire of greed and exploitation.

With every word she utters another family falls into poverty. With every smile another city's bridges collapse. With every cackle another 1,000 Iraqis were killed for fighting for their independence. With every wink and nod another Billion dollars was made by the rich. and another billion dollars was stolen from the poor.

This country is in serious fucking trouble.

actors on a stage

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