msnbc -> General Electric <- Obama

the thing Olbermann is acting so enraged about is so stupid.

I guess people out there still watch TV and still think the TV is reality.

Obama is selling Nuclear Power

ah but Obama...there IS a perfect energy solution its just we cant get you bastards in congress and the corporates to INSTALL IT.

windmills. We got them here in California by initiative.

guess whatever state your in you'll just have to wait and beg your representative to do the right thing. Ted Kennedy is an Asshole. voting against having the windmill farm in HIS home town. what a jerk.

General Electric sells Nuclear Power Plants / Weapons

General Electric Owns MSNBC...

couldn't be more obvious

MSNBC -> General Electric <- Obama

and his retelling of history is a joke. To say that Nixon had 16 weeks in government before becoming president is a fucking joke.

God people must be dumb to eat this shit.

spin doctors keeping the public busy


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