i dont care about the consequences

you can chart consequences to me all day.

you know what

we;re killing people in iraq right now

how you gonna stop it?

you know what stopped the vietnam war?

footage of the war was on everyones tv screens every night.

try to find some footage of yesterdays firefight

the media. the house. the senate. the president are all just pawns for the corporations. it wasnt always like this. we used to fight back. we used to give a shit.

now we just want to bitch.

i want to do something about it by inspiring people to want to be able to vote like they do in other countries.

have you taken a look at Switzerland?

check it out

its sitting dead smack in the middle of the center hold of every major war that has ever been waged. but yet they've remained neutral in every conflict for a hundred and fifty years. ever since they gave their people the power to make laws.

the consequences of doing nothing are immeasurable



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