ramble on

10:08 PM

notes from my first on air blog.

1. im not going to just read the news to you and then bitch about it
2. im not going to push a partisan agenda
3. im not going to talk about conspiracies. only facts.
4. i thought about youtube but its pompous. but i have info and this way i can directly communicate with my audience.

why should you listen to me

because I can tell you real actual ways to beat the system. and Im not going to charge you for it.

old hack history
grand ma had slaves
parents were anarchist hippies
dad raised me on good films and underground comics and music
mom raised me on classics and got me some good jobs where i met rock stars

athiest anarchist musician-dropped out. burned church.left home. lived on ramen noodles and tomato soup and pretty women-list of bands... dead meat

beauty killed the beast. cleaned up. use my energy positively
I knew Bush was crooked,I knew we were going to Iraq before 911, dad liked him on 911 I yelled "he stole the election"

I voted for Kerry and I still like the guy. I wish he wasnt the man responsibe for a student being tazed. But he seems like a decent Rich guy. Which Im ok with. and I know had we had an honest election hed have won by a long shot. Id rather have Heinz Kethcup in charge then a failed oil company and baseball manager as president.

anti corporatist social libertarian

the history of corporatism because of citizens not being allowed to vote.

back in the very beginning.
protest, sign petitions, then. wait and hope they respond from inside the whitehouse while we stand outside ?.....no protest, sign petition, then we all have a vote as a united society should and if it passes then it becomes Law!

railroad - killing indians / N.A.U. was called "manifest destiny"

civil war over people not being allowed to vote
600,000 dead. still cant vote. jim crowism

great depression, didnt hurt the wealthy

FDR greatest anti-corporatist president to date.
medicare, social security- first socialized funnels of wealth to society

Eisenhower who exposed the military corporate lobby of death turned around and sold us out to GM. the high way system, suburbs, took away our trains forced us into cars
and brainwashed the public into thinking that a car was a symbol of stature and independence.

down the list of candidates of 2008