this what I keep trying to tell everybody. We have to get everyones name before we can even begin to find solutions. in my town 3 out of 4 medical clinics have been turned into pediatric clinics for all the babies being 'born in the usa'. I dont think its a matter of them 'coming' looking for work as much as it might be where they're being Told to find work. i think NAFTA is back firing. America needs to wake up to the fact that there's more then just one way to get at a country. They're coming at us through their economics.
the "NAU" hype is just a label to throw on the issue. It doesn't really mean anything. we've always been united countries by land. and we've always had contracts between each other. and the worst thing is the politicians are being politicians and not telling anyone what's really going on. they keep everyones attention on the war. and band aids for kids. stupid shit.and call anyone who wants to talk about it a "racist". meanwhile america is selling itself out without even knowing it.
everyones heard of war bonds right? well what about economic bonds? what about the fact that every time you go to wal mart you're endorsing the problem because you need to save ten cents? well that ten cents you got.. thats what you sold your country for. ten cents.
"I can get it ten cents cheaper at wal mart."
thats where they got us. in our ugly consaumerist nature. No one loves garbage more then America. Nobody. and garbage is the easiest thing in the world to make. move along folks. i wish i was rich. then nothing would seem to matter.