nothing pisses me off more then when I see people saying negative spin about FDR. you have to look at that bar and think about what else was going on in our economy besides just a simple "we stopped using gold" theory. at the beginning of the graph it shows us as rich. rich because of slavery. at the end of the bar it shows us poor. poor because of a lack of enforcing other countries to apply worhers rights so that business' will not subvert our economy by expoliting deplorable work standards in other nations.

Calvin Coolidge caused the great depression not Wilson. Coolidge was a libertarian and deregulated everything which caused the rich and the poor to become so segregated that eventually it destroyed the lower class. do you think the wealthy suffered one bit during the great depression? of course not. a year from now when all the ron paul signs are being taken down I hope you will continue to be involved in hopes that you will gain a wider perspective of american history.

I know his faults so dont email me your memorized conspiracy theories about the man. I just needed to get that off of my chest because I find it really disgusting that people are so ignorant of real american history that they spit out this bullshit about an american treasure like FDR.