fair tax is basically what they have in canada.

we dont need to pay as high an income tax as we do. its all going to the military industrial complex. cut spending on bombs and then you can pay for the things we need. we have to change our culture from a spendin culture to a savings culture. everyone gets a rebate check which would most likely be like a credit card with a monthly balance to pay for your basic necessities payed for by the taxes theyve put into the system at the end of the month. The more you spend the more you pay. that will keep the rich from spending 10,000,000 dollars a year on watches because if there's a 20% sales tax that means those watches would cost 200,000,000 dollars. AND THEY SHOULD! its stupid for the rich to get all the breaks because of the handouts and co-ownership relationship the wealthy with our government.

its called socialism. Einstein understood societies needs for moderate socialism why cant you? are you smarter then Einstein?

the only thing thats stupid about the republicans idea of a fair tax or "flat tax" as they put it is that they wouldn't give out rebates, theyd throw fuckers on welfare and then demonize them. welfare as is would not be enough for a poor person to sustain a rapid increase in the sales tax. Americans have to start thinking about these things on a wider scale because we're definitely headed for troubled waters when this iraq war deficate starts to accumulate. but atleast he's mentioning it. Huckabee is definately the only one with half a brain on the republican side. I still hate him though. cuz he only as half a brain.

here's how a brilliant mind would set in stone a fair tax. that would straighten out our economy and create a sustainable and perpetuating surplus