first I voted

SHow at the stork club went well. Plenty people showed up it being super tuesday and all.

Ran into High Hopes on the way in he said he was getting a sandwich. so we hung at the stork for a lil while. me and the bartender got into it a little about the military industrial complex. I was trying to get him over his fear of the big "what if we stopped policing the world?" and the "oh No they'll come get us" and I started to tell him about how spain went down because of their sword became obsolete like how our bombs are and he just rudely said "no more politics at my bar". and some bar fly at the end started mumbling. "steve" pointing his finger "im serious. I wont talk politics at my bar"

it got awkwardly silent real fast.

so me and mj looked through a 70s playboy and talked about our distaste for airbrushed boobies. Playbpy used to be cool and stylish and hip. now its jusy a bunch of airbrushed bimbos.

then most of the people started trickling in and the ther bands. Was good to see Poopy. He's such an uplifting guy. Everything's always cool with him.

I went next door to mama buzz to get some coffee and they were projecting the results from the american idol election. I laughed and slightly yelled "You're all doomed!" seeing as that they were all looking sad because Obama had lost. Like that meant anything at all. People are so fucking stupid. Its a GAME. They might as well be watching Jeopardy. No One is being elected. They're not counting the votes. They're just making up numbers and the biggest hoax of all is that we have a two party system. We have a corporate dictatorship. Thats what we have. The only difference between dems and reps is that the dems act like they care about poor people and the reps act like they care about religion. Thats the only difference.

so anyway went back to the stork and started meeting my audience and sadly most of them had all voted for obama. Not in some "hey i think the guys great" fashion but a "yea I guess" kinda way. And it didnt take me long at all to have the whole room saying that they regretted it. and I told them that "well since you all endorsed the war by voting for the cheerleaders for it. You guys have to go enlist and fight now". All of whom were just very pretty women who kinda looked around like "oh shit we did kinda endorse the war huh" look on their face.

so then the show started. High Hopes had to wait outside until his performance. and his friends that he brought to see him play weren't allowed in at all which totally blew. But then he played and I really enjoyed his set. He's very original. And he writes good lyrics. so after his set he had to leave immediately and we bumped fists and that was that.

Chris and Mollie played next. we'd chatted earlier at the bar those guys are great. Really open minded and good heads on their shoulders. I think their drummer is like a teacher or some shit like that and Chris is really into making documentaries. They played an excellent set but they didnt get to my favorite one where there's a line about "god is a superficial fuck". They brought a pin'ata which was excellent. and said something about they're changing their names to the creepy crawlies. they smashed open the pin'ata with a croquet mallet and chocolate kisses and strawberry suckers with beatles and cockroaches all went flying!. They played one more song and that was that.

My set was Phenomenal. I tapped into some kind of godly force that night. It was all happening. Lightening flew from my finger tips. the place was on Fire!.

no but seriously. it was a good set and mike really brought something to it with his sand bucket of goodies. Ya know, going to an old hack show is sorta like going to music class in grade school. Only the teachers drunk and high and pissed off about politics. you can listen to it up on the top. its the bottom player.

so we played sort of a quick set and left the rest of the night to the Jank. Who were fucking awesome. they just ended their tour and it was their drummers last show with them. They played my favorite of theirs after I requested it "the day of the dead" which is just a stupendous pop song. It really is. I dont get excited about pop music or rock the way I used to but for some reason The Jank really makes me see past all my hang ups and just enjoy good structured solid well produced songs about life. They're kind of a throw back to the early 90s pop scene when song writers were allowed to be song writers. and you can just tell that nothings contrived or pompous about any of the members and they're just great fellows to play a show with. First time I seen them was at the bottlecapp and It was the first time in a long ass time that I'd heard pop music that really grabbed me. I think it was the cancer party on poopys birthdy where he stripped down to some black skivvys that had a diamond studded star emroidered on the crotch.

any who. the night wrapped up without much drama and we all made it back safe in our beds. still waiting on the pics.

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