Ronald Reagan's inaugural address where he clearly states that America should be governed by herself and not just by Washington DC or State Legislators but by Real Americans. And that all Americans should prosper when America prospers.
Of course he was just blowing smoke up people's ass to give them a false sense of hope but still the words ring true which is why so many people liked Reagan. The great communicator as he's known. Because there is a pulse in America. A pulse of reason and pride and wisdom. A spirit of giving and nobility.
Politicians jobs are to learn that pulse. Write a speech that reflects on that pulse to manipulate people into thinking they are with them and then get elected and go right back to screwing everyone over.
But that pulse, that spirit, that light if lead to guide itself would generate more prosperity and opportunity then the two party system could ever produce.
a conversation about democracy insued
democracy is the most evil form of government imaginable.
Why do you prefer to live under a dictatorship? because you hate your neighbors and think that they're too stupid to be trusted to vote? how patriotic..
deomcracy is worse than a dictatorship. majority rule would be worse than anarchy.
"in this present crisis government is not the solution to our problem. Government IS THE PROBLEM"
"from time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become to complex to be managed by self rule. That Government by an elite group(congress) is superior to government for, BY, and of the people. But if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?"
Congress is broken. we have to fix it by giving americans the right to voice their opinion through a simple voting system.
I just think that the problems are because there are not enough of us engaged in the process.
We're not engaged at all unless we're elected unless you enact the national initiative. Then we can become engaged in the process. till then we're just going to end up begging people we elect to do the right thing.
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